Video Clip of the Month: Context, Not Content, is King

My July 2011 video clip of the month takes on the Web 2.0 cliché that “content is king.” It features Ben Watson, Adobe principal customer experience strategist, explaining that content is not king, context is. By context Watson means a brand’s ability to connect with customers and filter information for them in a way they find useful and enjoyable.

I picked the video because it illustrates an important point. Today, context drives relevancy, efficacy, and virality. Without it, even the best information can’t be heard, or even found, in the Web 2.0-fueled tsunami of real-time information.

Watson provides additional insights and good advice in the video, including a warning for brands not participating in the social media conversation:

“Just because you haven’t embraced it doesn’t mean you’re not in it. … Your brand is part of a conversation. Your people are part of a conversation after work. Your employees actually don’t work all the time, and your customers actually all talk to each other,” he says. “And you need to know that all social media is doing is creating an indelible digital record of all of that conversation taking place.”

Check it out below!

Your turn! Do you think content or context is king? Share you thoughts in the comments section.

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About Monica

Monica specializes in strategic communications, web and new media, and print materials with an international or multi-cultural context. She has worked on national public outreach campaigns targeting multi-cultural audiences and has conceptualized, written, and/or designed multiple websites. Monica also has written, edited, and/or designed high-profile newsletters, brochures, and reports, including some prepared in collaboration with the White House. She holds a bachelor’s in journalism and a master of international service with a focus on international communication. Monica is based in Washington, D.C.